Dirty Talk: A Sexy Spring Weekend Kickoff

April 18th @ 7PM – 9PM in Barus and Holley, Room 166

(182 Hope Street, between Waterman and George Streets)

Cosponsored by the Queer Alliance.

You can also check the FB event here!


Kick off your weekend with DIRTY TALK – a sexual communication and consent workshop with Ben Privot of The Consensual Project! While YOU and YOU ALONE are the leading expert on your own desire, this presentation will help provide you with the tools to address questions such as:

  • What IS dirty talk?
  • What makes you feel dirty?
  • How can you improve the quality of your sexual experiences?
  • How and what do you want to communicate when you feel dirty?
  • How do you overcome the intimidation of sharing yours desires with others?
  • Are you a Narrator or a Director during sexual play?

Verbal (and non-verbal!) communication during sex can significantly improve the quality of sexual experiences. “Dirty Talk” enables us to not only take control of our own desires and share them with our partners, but it also ultimately helps to create a space where all partners feel comfortable with one another.

Come immerse yourself in a sex-positive environment and learn why consensual hooking up is hotter hooking up. Learn how to best express yourself to your partners and hookups, and how to use open communication to discover common ground with those you’re into.

Oh, and did we mention SEX TOYS?

SHEEC will be raffling all of the awesome sex toys that left over from Sex Week! Everyone who attends Dirty Talk will get 1 free raffle ticket, and the first 20 people will each get an additional free ticket! 

We will also have additional tickets for sale if you want to improve your chances to win, and Ben will be giving away free toys throughout the night as well!